Thursday 28 May 2020

Barbara and the Blitz - English Comprehension, History and Art. Key Stage 2

Barbara and the Blitz

During World War 2, Barbara lived with her Mummy, Daddy and elder sister in a village called Abbots Langley. The village is several miles north of London.

Here is a picture of the church at Abbots Langley. Barbara used to go to this church on Sundays.

Barbara’s father was a printer. He worked at a factory printing leaflets and posters for the government. Barbara’s mother was a school teacher. Barbara and her sister were both at secondary school in a nearby town called Watford.

In 1939 Britain went to war with Germany. By the autumn of the year 1940 the Germans had defeated nearly every country in Europe – except Italy which was friends with Germany. Only Britain was left.

The Germans sent aircraft to drop bombs on Britain to try to make Britain surrender. The Germans dropped bombs on factories that made weapons for the British Army. They dropped bombs on ships that were bringing food to Britain. They dropped bombs on the ports where the ships unloaded the food. They dropped bombs on railways that carried food to towns and villages, like Abbots Langley where Barbara lived. The Germans thought that if everyone was hungry that Britain would surrender.

German bombers flying to attack Britain. Note the big black crosses on the aircraft.

Sometimes a German bomber aircraft would get lost. It might bomb the wrong thing. Instead of a factory it might drop bombs on a big building such as a hospital or a church. From high up in the sky one big building looks like another.

Several nights the German bombers would fly over Abbots Langley on their way to attack a factory somewhere. Barbara and her family had to go to the bomb shelter to hide in case a bomber dropped its bombs on Abbots Langley  by mistake.

One evening as Barbara and her sister were about to go to bed, the neighbour knocked on the door. He spoke to Barbara’s father. He said that there was something very strange outside. Everyone went outside. The neighbour pointed up into the sky.

“Look,” he said. “That looks like a big, red sunset. But the sun set over two hours ago.”

“Yes,” said Barbara’s father. “And the sun sets in the west. But that big red glow is in the south. Whatever can it be?”

“Let’s go and look,” said Barbara’s mother.

They left the garden through the gate into the fields. They walked across a field and up a hill. They were walking south, towards the strange red glow in the sky. They began to hear strange noises.

When they reached to top of the hill, they all stopped. From the top of the hill they could see London in the distance. The red glow filling the sky was caused by huge fires. The whole of London was on fire. Houses were on fire, churches were on fire, factories were on fire. The entire city was burning.

Barbara and her family could hear the sounds of aircraft engines. They could hear the sounds of bombs exploding.

Barbara’s father said “I did not think the Germans had so many aircraft.”

Barbara’s mother said “Those poor people in London.”

The neighbour said “Are the Germans going to win the war?”

They stood and watched London burn for a long time. Then they went home and went to bed.

Firemen in London putting out fires the day after the attack.

Next morning, Barbara’s father switched the radio on as they ate breakfast. The radio played music, then the news came on. The news announcer said “There were heavy German bombing attacks on London last night. Many buildings were destroyed. Many people were killed. But the factories are still making weapons. The ships are still bringing us food. Prime Minister Winston Churchill is still alive. He is at work in Downing Street this morning.”

Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Barbara’s father switched off the radio. He said “If Churchill is still alive and back at work everything will be OK. I’m going to work.” Then he looked at Barbara and her sister. He said “And you two had better go to school.”

The big attack on London is called “The Blitz”. The German bombers came back on many nights after that first big attack. That is why so many old buildings in London were destroyed.

The Germans did not win the war.

Barbara and the Blitz

1 – Where did Barbara live during the War?

2 – Was Barbara’s sister older or younger than she was?

3 – Why did the neighbour knock on Barbara’s door?

4 – which direction did Barbara and her family walk?

5 – Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during the War?


Draw a picture of a sunset


Draw a picture of The Blitz. Where are the German aircraft? Where are the buildings? What colour are the flames?

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