Tuesday 29 June 2010

Stilton Soda Bread

Stilton Soda Bread

Serves 4
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 35 minutes

Soda bread is a traditional way of making a tasty bread without all the messing about with bread yeast that some cooks think to be a bit too much trouble. Adding a little Stilton makes the soda bread even more irresistible! Delicious served warm from the oven, torn into hunks.

11oz wholemeal flour
11oz plain white flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
5oz Blue Stilton, cubed
1oz Blue Stilton, crumbled finely
1pt skimmed milk

Sift the flours into a mixing bowl with the bicarbonate of soda.
Stir in the cubed Stilton and enough milk to make the dough soft.
Turn out the dough on to a floured board and knead lightly.
Shape into a round loaf and score a cross into the top.
Place the loaf on a lightly greased baking sheet.
Cook in a preheated fairly hot oven (220°C Gas mk 7) for 35 minutes until just brown.
Remove from the oven, sprinkle over the crumbled Stilton and return to the oven for 1 minute to melt the cheese.

This is an extract from Leicestershire Food and Drink by Rupert Matthews

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